Friday, October 17, 2008

It's not easy being green (money-wise)

I just wanted to dream aloud about organic clothes and organic clothing being so widely made (but not exploiting those who make them or distribute them) that one would be able to afford more of them. The organic food is much more affordable in my household b/c we mostly buy product and grains and not much meat. BUT, being a stay-at-home-mom and affording baby organic clothing and eco-friendly, non-toxic toys with one income is tricky. I just wanted to vent a bit! I look at the Old Navy sites and the clothing is cute and affordable and really accessible. BUT it goes against my goals. So as I am trying to be a green mama I am doing the best I can to buy organic but to also not go broke. Can anyone else relate?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, even eating organic is expensive when you are feeding a fam of five. I try to buy as much organic foods as possible, but sometimes it is not in the budget! I am really excited about the accessibility of bamboo fabric & yarn. I am making a scarf out of bamboo yarn right now and it is soooo soft! I am going to purchase some fabric soon! Happy Halloween!