I used to be such a snob about hand-me-downs, hand-me-overs, and toss outs. Awful, I know. It wasn't until I received some really great heirlooms from when I was a baby that I saw what good energy you can get from having items around that have seen some fun times already. When my mom was pregnant with what she thought was one baby (joke was on you, young mom) she used scraps from her maternity clothes to make a quilt. She was pretty crafty like that. When my mom ended up pushing out two babies on my/our birthday we shared many things, including this quilt. I never really saw it around the house and then when I was pregnant she gave it to me at my baby shower. I wanted to wrap myself up in it and feel all the love she put into it. The only condition was that I had to hand it over to my twin brother for his first-born to use. We both, in our respective marriages, had a rough time getting pregnant but we ended up having our first-borns in the same year and they are both beautiful little girls. So, pretty soon I have to hand it over (I'm going to miss it a lot). Watching Maya play on it has been a pleasure.
So, my ego went down a few notches and I warmed up to the idea of using gently-worn items with my baby. I mean, just because you CAN afford to buy a new version of something doesn't mean it is the only choice. After all, it is better for the environment and they are given with love.
I was lucky to have been pregnant with two very good buddies (my pff's), my awesome sis-in-law, and some more casual friends, too. In addition to being able to support each other, hold arms going down staircases with our big bellies, do prenatal yoga, and share the awe of first-time-parenthood, we have been able have our babies share clothes. Even though I have a daughter, I love the look of a lot of boys' onesies and solid pants. One of my buddies had a onesy with little monkeys all over it and when her little man grew out of it we got to take a whirl with it.
Now that my brother and his wife have a darling little girl who is 6 months younger than my little cupcake I am able to pass hardly worn and gently worn favorites to them to be used and then passed on to another family.
My goal with baby clothes doesn't have to be yours but here it is anywho:
Buy organic clothing (it is so incredibly soft) whether it is made of soy, cotton, hemp, or bamboo. It has been made with pure ingredients from the start. Wear it and then share it.
If not, buy 100% cotton clothing--wear it and then share it.
If it has polyester or doesn't feel good then PASS. It might be cute but not cute enough to sit in a landfill for hundreds and hundreds of years, right?
So, the lesson for the day, my friends, is to wear it and then share it.
1 comment:
I have a solution for the quilt. Make it into two, so each girl can have one to pass down to her little ones. If you don't have someone there to do that for you, I would do it for a small fee:) Love your Blog BTW! Keely forwarded to me! Check mine out when you get a chance. http://roseylittlethings.com
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